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past events


Online session

Every Tuesday / Tous les mardis

18:15-19:00 CET


Embodied explorations for connection, expression and open body-mind. /

Explorations en mouvement pour se connecter, s'exprimer et s'ouvrir à Soi.

Weekly sessions alternating in English & French. /

Sessions hebdomadaires avec alternance en anglais et français.

Sessions en français: description et inscription

Souhaitez-vous bouger, explorer et vous recentrer, tout en boostant votre confiance en vous? À travers nos sessions (bi)hebdomadaires de ConfiDance, vous apprendrez à vous connaître et ressentir plus, à affirmer vos aspirations et à ressentir le plaisir de votre corps en mouvement.
Des instants détente, énergisants, ludiques et pleins de découvertes!
Pas de pré-requis particuliers en termes de pratiques ou expérience, seulement votre curiosité et votre esprit d'exploration!

Ces sessions vous aideront particulièrement à:

  • vous reconnecter avec votre corps, vos pensées et émotions

  • gagner en confiance et expression personnelle

  • apprendre des micro-pratiques pour votre quotidien

Infos pratiques:  Postures allongé.e.s au sol et en mouvement dans l'espace, réflexions personnelles et des échanges en groupe bienveillant.

Vous aurez besoin de:  PC et connexion internet, un peu d'espace autour pour bouger librement, un tapis de yoga/surface pour être allongé.e , une couverture si, vêtements confortables.

Prix: 12€/une session - 50€/cinq sessions

English sessions: description & registration

Do you want to move, explore and connect  while boosting your confidence? By joining our (bi)weekly ConfiDance sessions, you'll get a chance to sense and know yourself better, empower your intentions and enjoy the juiciness of your body in movement.

It will be relaxing, energising, insightful and fun!
No particular requirements in terms of practice or experience is needed - besides curiosity and an open body-mind to explore.

These sessions will help you particularly to:

  • get in touch with your body, mind and feelings

  • be more confident and expressive

  • have micro-practices for daily life

Practicalities:  We'll be lying on the floor, moving gently through space, reflecting and exchanging within the closed group.

You'll need: a PC and good internet, some space around you to move freely, a yoga mat/soft surface for lying, a blanket if chilly, comfortable clothes

Price: 12€/one session & 50€/five sessions

Yoga by the Sea

FREE online meeting

April 8th, 20:00-22:00 CET



Positive psychology meet-up by Happiness Academy

How can our body help us be more aware, set clear intentions and impact the results we achieve? That's what we'll discuss and explore together!


Bursting the Bubble of Non-Formal Education

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FREE event
March 16th 14:00-18:00 CET

Network with colleagues in- and outside the sector and learn about nine key topics of international Youth Work


Online workshop

Feb 14th, 10:30-11:45 CET


Are you often busy fulfilling needs and expectations of your colleagues, boss, partner, family, goldfish and the whole world around you? Not really feeling that you take enough time to  focus on what YOU might need and desire right now?

This session is for you! Join us for a date with yourself and get exactly what you need without bad surprises or frustrations. You're stressed? We'll give your mind a hot bath (or cold shower!). You're low in energy? We'll move your system up. We'll gently reflect, exchange, move and relax to make this date a lovely Valentine!

This session will help you to:

  • review your overall wellbeing

  • feel more relaxed and energized

  • have practical tools for long term self-care

Price: 18€ regular / 11€ reduced rate (coupon)

Heart Cookies


Woman with Computer

Online workshop

March 10th, 18:00-19:15 CET


What's the difference between a dead body and a living body? MOVEMENT! Unfortunately most of us are barely alive while working from home... Mainly static and interacting with our main colleague: Mr. computer. What consequences does this way of working have on the range of movement we daily practice with our body? How does this influence our general way of being and thinking? Is there a way to bring naturally more movement and flexibility in our days working from home? Find out and join our interactive inquiry!

We'll exchange, move and explore how to bring more movement and fun to our working routine.

This session will help you to:

  • understand  how or posture and movement affect how we think and feel

  • practice new and less habitual movement patterns you might benefit from in life and work 

  • bring more movement into your working days

Price: 18€ regular / 11€ reduced rate

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Embodied Leadership or how to change the world

When: 20.01.2021, 14:00-16:30 (CET)
Where: online (zoom)

Be the leader you never had by embodying what your really stand for! Learn how the relationship with our bodies determines the way we think, feel, act and impact others. So that you can decide with more freedom what kind of leader you want to be. Go beyond the theory and develop your embodied intelligence by practising different ways of sensing, moving, speaking and doing. Only then you can be the leader you wish for the world.

By the end of the session participants are expected to be able to:

  • understand the relevance of the body in leadership 

  • have practical tools to practice their embodied awareness 

  • be ready to grow their skill-set on the long run.

The inner critic’s antidote 

When: 21.01.2021, 10:00-12:30 (CET)
Where: online (zoom)

How about finding a way of feeling you are doing enough, being enough and just perfect as you are? The session is a container to explore how you really want to show up as your authentic self, with courage and confidence that will also lead to more organic connection with others. You deserve it and they do, so drop your inner critic and come as you are, to go as you become.

By the end of the session participants are expected to be able to:

  • better deal with their inner critics

  • have more natural confidence

  • have tools to practice in the long term

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Embodied Leadership
to shape your 2021!

When: 16.12.2020, 17:00-18:15 (CET)
Where: online (zoom)

Price: free/donation 

2020 has been quite a year...Embodied Leadership skills (would) have helped. It is a critical skill for personal and collective resilience and brings freedom in how we want to be moment by moment, in any circumstance.

As a perfect fit for ending smoothly 2020 and to transition to an empowered new year, we'll propose this online session to:
- bodily follow-up on 2020

- rest, digest and breath, so to

- get ready to dream and shape our upcoming year

The way we are being in our body - breathing, standing, moving, talking...- determines how we think, feel and connect with others. If you would like to get the skills to shape your experience with more freedom, for the best ever 2021, come and join us for this embodied short trip!

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